Friday, March 23, 2007


We went to the pre-Columbian pyramids at Xochicalco (so-shee- cal-co) last week and saw another great museum. Xochicalco is on a hilltop with grand views of nearby mountains, lake and towns. The center of the museum is a scale model of the pyramids and a panoramic view of the pyramids on the next hill.
The pyramids are a hike and the day was hot and clear so I took Tommy's cane and a bottle of water and went by myself. I was able to climb a couple of the structures and sit and enjoy the quiet and the amazing views. I was all alone for quite a while. However, after having my fill of looking around I realized the steps are insanely steep and the steps themselves are about half the size of my foot. The trip down was unnerving. The cane came in handy.

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