Sunday, January 28, 2007

the trip down here, part uno

A couple of hours south of Mazatlan and 40 minutes from nowhere, Teacapan is a small, clean, birder's paradise known for it's shrimp "the size of kittens"- truly the creepiest image I've been given this month. Flamingoes in distant coves that I didn't have time to see and plantations of banana, coconut, and pineapple I did. We drove through last week to look at a house and stayed for lunch at a comedore on the beach.

A nice enough house, no gardens, cheap tile- not brightly colored Mexican tile just cheesy. The best part about the place was the second lot where we could have put in a pool and a casita for guests. It seemed like a lot of work and we're not really in the market for a lot of work right now.

These are the boats that catch the kitten sized shrimp.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Hi Cathie,
It was great to hear from you. I've been thinking of you and wondering if you'd headed south yet - I guess the answer is yes, and not a minute too soon from the sound of it! :) Hopefully you're settling in to your new surroundings and are able to enjoy the adventure together.

It sounds like you found a decent place to stay while you find a more permanent home - and good job on the negotiation skills - I knew your career would pay off one day!

Good luck with your house hunting. I know that can be stressful - I can't even imagine trying to do it in a foreign country.

Watch out for those kitten-sized shrimp and have fun! I'll keep you in my prayers.
